Author: admin

  • Type of equipment used

    In wildlife management one of the conservation principles is that the equipment used for hunting should be the one that causes the least suffering to the animal and is sufficiently effective so that it hits the target. Given Area and Local laws, types of equipment can also vary depending on type, size, sex of game…

  • Closed season

    Closed season

    Closed season is when wildlife is protected from hunting and is usually during its breeding season. Closed season is enforced by law, any hunting during closed season is punishable by law and termed as illegal hunting or poaching.

  • Limited entry

    Where the number of animals taken is to be tightly controlled, managers may have a type of lottery system called limited. Many apply, few are chosen. These hunts may still have age, sex or class restrictions.

  • Manipulative management

    Manipulative management acts on a population, either changing its numbers by direct means or influencing numbers by the indirect means of altering food supply, habitat, density of predators, or prevalence of disease. This is appropriate when a population is to be harvested, or when it slides to an unacceptably low density or increases to an unacceptably…

  • Pest control

    Pest control

    Pest control is the control of real or perceived pests and can be used for the benefit of wildlife, farmers, gamekeepers or human safety. In the United States, wildlife management practices are often implemented by a governmental agency to uphold a law, such as the endangered species act. In the United Kingdom, wildlife management is…

  • Game Keeping

    Game Keeping

    Gamekeeping is the management or control of wildlife for the well-being of game and may include the killing of other animals which share the same niche or predators to maintain a high population of more profitable species, such as pheasants introduced into woodland. In his 1933 book Game Management, Aldo Leopold, one of the Western pioneers of wildlife…

  • Pigeon Shooting

    Pigeon Shooting

    The woodpigeon The woodpigeon, Columba palumbus, has been native to Great Britain for centuries, its cousin in mainland Europe is migratory but we have the only sedentary population of the species that exists.  We probably have as many as 15-20 million birds in the UK. The population is healthy, the bird breeds at least twice, and…

  • Deer Stalking

    Deer Stalking

    The need for deer management For many people deer stalking is a recreational activity, but it is also necessary to protect agricultural crops, forestry, native flora and indeed, deer, since they are prolific breeders and, if numbers are allowed to increase unchecked, may become prone to starvation and disease. The culling of deer should always…

  • Yorkshire Shooting Academy Safety, Maintenance & Fieldcraft Course

    This course is a collaboration between three Nra / Cpsa & Dsc approved Firearm & Shotgun Instructors – Yorkshire shooting Academy operates over the West & North Yorkshire areas , Based in Ripon, Ray G, Allan E & Andrew D  each have considerable experience and knowledge of shotguns and firearms – both theory-based and  practically in the field. Let them show you how to…

  • 10 Reasons Why Being Outdoors is a Big Deal

      Most people believe that the outdoors is good for us. Now a raft of research proves that time out in nature is essential to our physical, psychological health and wellbeing. We’ve long known that a breath of clean air works wonders on our respiratory systems and that sunlight generates vitamin D – the vitamin…